Saturday, April 28, 2012


Who doesn't love a hot cup of coffee?
You know you are ready for your first cup of coffee when you forget to place a cup under your Keurig before you press "Brew".

I almost had a coff-tastrophe this morning. Fortunately, I have super fast reflexes at this moment in time due to a certain baby who keeps me on my toes!

Coff-tastrophe averted.

Now off to do some party planning for two of my favorite boys who share back-to-back birthdays!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How I get my dog to behave!

When I get stressed out, I cook. I love trying new recipes, but often I fall back on those recipes that always seem to work. I rarely make a recipe as written...I don't know why I need to mess with it, but I do!

Last week the weather wasn't great, The Boy wasn't in a great mood and I knew we were in for a long day so I decided to make Odin's all time favorite treats from this blog (with a few small adaptations!).

Whole wheat and all purpose flours, brown sugar, salt and flaxseed meal into the mixing bowl. I'd recommend using a stand mixer, this is a hearty dough.

Add your eggs, peanut butter (does your dog lick the container when empty too?), oil and finally water until it comes together. I usually need about 1 1/4-1/2 cups.

Let it rest.

Seriously. It's much easier to work with. Wash your dishes while you wait!

Roll that dough out (I don't even use flour, there's enough oil or something to keep it from sticking too much!). I work in two batches. Use your muscles!

I like to do one of 1x1 inch squares cut using my ruler and pizza cutter. Then I do a few fun shapes with the cookie cutter. I usually share the fun shaped ones with doggie friends.

Odin is a DREAM when I make him cookies.

Can you believe he is lying on the FLOOR? Not even on the rug. On the floor...In. The. Kitchen. No couch potato when there are cookies being made!

I love making him treats because he is on his best behavior for at least a day. He brings me things that he thinks needs to be picked up. He shuts the door immediately after coming in from outside. It almost makes me want to bake him cookies every day!

Plus I had another helper...he found my measuring cup, cooling rack, all the important stuff!

Ohh the final results! Odin HATES this trick, but he loves the biscuits so much, he's willing to do it!

Here's the full recipe for you. Your dog will love you! It makes enough to share with friends too.

Peanut Butter Dog Biscuit Recipe
Adapted from White on Rice Couple Blog

2 3/4c Whole Wheat Flour
2 3/4c All-Purpose Flour
2TB Brown Sugar
1tsp Salt
3TB flaxseed meal (optional)
3 eggs
1c Peanut Butter
1/3c Vegetable Oil
1 1/4c Water

1. Combine flours, brown sugar, and salt in a mixing bowl. Add eggs and peanut butter and mix until incorporated.
2. Mix in oil. Next add enough water until dough is smooth and workable.
3. Cover the dough and set aside for 15-20 min. to relax.
Preheat oven to 375ยบ F & line a couple sheet pans with baking paper
4. Roll out dough to about 3/8″-1/2″ thick. Cut to desired shaped then put on sheet pans.
5. Bake for approx. 35-40 min. or until biscuits are slightly browned and fairly hard (they will harden a touch more when cool.) Set aside to cool then treat the pups liberally.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Black Thumb Gardener

We have so many plants they're spilling out of the greenhouse and
onto the front porch until it's warm enough to stay outside full time.
The plants must have attracted this little friend that I had to shoo off of our porch!
Gardening  is one of those things that I'd really like to love, but I just don't. At least not yet.

I don't mind pulling weeds or harvesting. I enjoy using the garden harvests in my cooking. I really enjoy biting into a freshly picked juicy warm tomato.

But to get to that tomato, you must tend the plants. It's the part I least like.

The Man left on his latest work adventure in a hurry. Which left me to care for his plants that were not Jolene-ready. The Man is a plant genius. He could spend hours on end doing who knows what with his plants. I'm more of the throw-some-water-on-and-get-on-with-the-next-task kind of gardener.

He frequently asks how each plant is doing and I honestly don't know. I do know that our greenhouse is beginning to look like the movie Jumanji. It's scary. I swear the plants grab me when I step inside!

Our Bible study group has been trying to implement some community outreach programs and Phil and I are taking on the first task. We brainstormed and came up with gardening for the local food pantry. A sort of community garden - but instead we care for a single garden at our church and then deliver the harvest to those distribution networks in the community to help the food insecure.

Because I try to feed my family healthier, whole foods, this is something I can get on board with even though it might mean me planting some seeds and caring for more plants temporarily. If it means more people in our church community have access to a fresh tomato, I think it's worth it.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Kiss

Easter is my favorite holiday. I love the thrill of celebrating Jesus coming back to life! What better celebration than knowing that death has been defied! If you don't know the story of Easter, I'd suggest reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the New Testament. If you have read it, read it again. It's good stuff.

Oh Easter! I am not a winter person. Easter marks spring in my book and just another reason to celebrate!

And what's a celebration without a little food? Easter brings the arrival of jelly beans and Peeps. Oh, how I love Peeps. I love biting into their chewy, gritty little bodies. They're even better when left out to dry for a few days. Oh soooo good.

Not only are Peeps delicious, they are art. I love the Peeps Show from the Washington Post. Peeps take on a whole new role, from political statements to entertainment. I have always dreamed of entering, but just never had the courage.

This year when I stumbled upon the the AAFES Exchange Patriot Peeps Contest contest, I knew this was my answer. I had a chance at winning if I came up with the right theme - the rules stated that it must be a patriotic scene that evokes emotion.

First things first - I needed a good team. I enlisted The Man and my mom and we started brainstorming. The Man suggested The Kiss in Times Square on V-J Day (interestingly enough, it's actually called Duffy Square after Chaplin Francis P. Duffy and the 69th Infantry Regiment. Another ode to American Military History. Okay, I'm a nerd.).

Back to the story...

We had a theme and we began researching and studying the kiss. I was busy formulating a plan to build the diorama when The Man had a change in plans and was on his way to Utah for work for a few weeks.

One third of my team - gone!

Oh well. I had probably gotten all that I was going to get out of him anyway. I soldiered on.

I headed to my parents house to work (their dining room table was the perfect workspace, my dog is (sort of) welcome and The Boy could hang with Grandpa). My mom had a box picked out and we started in.

You wouldn't believe how sticky Peeps are when a little of their sparkle goes missing. We had Peeps glitter and Peeps body parts all over the place! At one point, my parents' dog, Molly, had a Peeps body part stuck to her leg that Odin licked off.

I never claimed Peeps diorama building was pretty.
Odin and Molly hanging out.

After hours of work and about one million pictures, here are the final results!

Overview of the scene.

I like this shot because you can see most of the details, from the flag flying high,
to the BX/PX and Peeps advertisements on the central building,
to the onlookers with their detailed outfits!

This is the modern day shot that I turned black and white for authenticity.

V-J Day in Times Square
A white-clad peep is surprised as an uninhibited sailor peep plants his lips squarely on hers.
Passersby, including a friendly sailor, two chatting chicks, a business man and nurse,
stare at the celebratory kiss while iconic advertisements add to the celebration of
Victory over Japan in New York’s Times Square.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot...we won!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Army Wives

Who doesn't love a coming home ceremony? Plus...who had the brilliant idea to guest star Susan Lucci? I love this show.

Maybe I should be ashamed to admit this, but I love Lifetime's show, Army Wives.

There isn't another show, ever, that I have been more into.

As the wife of an Active Duty Army National Guardsman, I live my Army Wife Life through this show. Before I get too carried away, I do realize that it's just a tv show. Don't worry, I don't think that it's exactly what life on post is like. However, there are a few things I like to think that I would take advantage of if I lived on post - here is a list of my top five:

Ah shoot. I'm using acronyms already! For my non-military friends MWR stands for Morale, Welfare and Recreation. What a resource! I think if I lived on post, I'd get a job in the MWR office. Or at least volunteer. There are always ideas, perks and opportunities to be found. I have found online MWR programs aren't as easy to navigate as just going into a physical office. We've used MWR facilities while on vacation or while visiting for various reasons and they've always been a favorite stop.

Exchange and Commissary
I've heard many grumbles about the BX/PX and Commissary. I just can't imagine beating some of the products and prices without going to a mall. I'm not a mall shopper, or much of a shopper at all. Which is maybe why I like shopping there. Or perhaps they pump something through the air to make it more attractive for us non-posties. Although the Exchange may not be Wal-Mart or Target, at some of the larger stores I think the quality and pricing makes it better than the chain big box stores. Where else can you find low-end and high-end products mingling together (think Kathy Ireland and Coach). Where else do you find that?

I can't speak much for the Commissary, but I've had a few good experiences and usually walk away pleased.

Common Understanding
All of you military wives living in a civilian world know what I'm talking about. It's when someone at church or the grocery store or at work walks up to you and is so surprised that your husband is gone, again. This is where living vicariously through the show Army Wives has me the most jealous. Honestly, I get really sick of explaining where my husband is this time around. I feel like I'm listening to a broken pity record...Oh it must be so hard for him to be away...So you Skype every night?...Call me if you need anything....And the list goes on, and on. I feel bad getting upset about it because I know every non-military person in my life means well. I just have an appreciation for those military people who are in my life who just get it. No million questions about Skype. No feeling sorry for me. No pity party. Just a common understanding.

I can't imagine moving every three years. However, I can imagine living in different places. I am grateful to be close to family. Please do not mistake that for appreciating the adventure that a military career can offer someone willing to look at it as an adventure.
I think what I'm missing most is a full appreciation for all types of active duty military families. I haven't had to leave my family, my home, and everything familiar so I don't fully understand what sacrifices they have had to make. I think I could be more empathetic and maybe more understanding to the needs of a military family. I also think that might help me be a better community member no matter where I live.

Is there anything else that you'd add to this list? Or that maybe I'm way off base on? I'd love to hear more, just try to keep it positive!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tree of Life Creative

I struggled with creating a business name for myself for years. I do freelance graphic design, public relations, marketing and photography. It wasn't until recently that I got serious. So serious that I'm actually getting paid. Which made me think I had better get a name.

I believe that a name is important. Case in point, I didn't want to name The Boy until after I first met him. Some people fall in love with a name and know that it's perfect for their unborn child. I've even heard people referring to their unborn child by name. I admire those people. I couldn't do it.

I ruminate on things. But I especially ruminate on names. Chewing them. Spitting them. Swallowing them. Spitting and chewing some more.

We had 41+ weeks to decide on a name for our baby and while I was in labor we were still going over names (partly because I lost the list, but mostly because I didn't want to choose a name and it not fit my baby!). Had I not wanted to deal with pages of paperwork out of the hospital, I may not even have a name for The Boy yet!

Choosing a business name has been similar. I didn't even know what it was I was doing, so how could I name it? Instead I realized the work I do fulfills something in my heart that nothing else does. Sorry fam! That desire could only be described in one of my favorite verses:

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12

I draw my daily inspiration and strength from our magnificent Creator, and this proverb seemed to mimic what happens when the longing in my heart is met by creating something from nothing. I can't even take credit for it. God alone is the one who gave me this ability.

Truthfully, I wish I had the ability to stitch up a bleeding person, or have serious skills with power tools so I could build homes for homeless people, or write novels that drive people to Jesus. But I don't. I don't even communicate like a normal person. But I do have this skill and I hope that I allow God to show His love in the purest and truest form through it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pin It!


I just figured out how to have a "Pin It" button placed on each of my individual posts. This was quite a feat for non-techie me.

I love Pinterest and I want people to be able to share the pinning love with me. Now, thanks to Blogger Sentral, you can pin my posts too.

For those of you who want to do the same thing - simply follow the instructions from Blogger Sentral.

An Introduction

Odin. No more needs to be said. For now.
I'm pretty sure I'll be referring to some of the following boys in my life as I post. Here is a quick guide and a little background on each...

The Man - my husband. An Active Duty Army National Guard man.
The Boy - the other man in my life. And the reason I'm a stay at home mom.
Odin - the dog. He really should have his own blog.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I'm Back!

Me and The Boy
I've done some blogging in the past and I have missed it!

So, in classic Jolene fashion, I have decided to get back to blogging during the middle of a crazy day, a crazy week, and, oh what the heck, a crazy life.

Is there ever a good time to start something? I didn't think so.

I'm blogging with a little more intention this time around. I may not have earth shattering posts, but I hope what I share someone else can relate to, laugh at, or maybe just run away from thankful she is not in my flip flops!

I'm a stay at home mom, a military wife, a nerd, a dog lover, a pseudo-creative, and most importantly a Jesus follower. It's from these experiences that I get my inspiration.