Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Easter Egg Lunches

Three dozen...Easter Egg Lunches!
I celebrated Good Friday with my niece (9) and nephew (4) and The Boy (can you believe he's almost 2?!). I surprised them with an Easter Egg Lunch. An idea inspired by Pinterest. Of course. Pretty much all of my ideas from from Pinterest these day. 

I spent a few weeks purchasing eggs in these cool plastic containers. We go through a ridiculous amount of eggs each week so it didn't take long. The kids went crazy over the lunch. Next time I'll look for slightly larger eggs. I filled the eggs with strawberries, carrots, grapes, cheese (for the dairy eaters!), turkey, jelly beans, hard boiled eggs, and a tiny cookie. I did double up on a few. I would have loved to fit their sandwiches inside - cut into cute shapes - but the plastic eggs weren't remotely close enough to fit sandwich pieces. Maybe I'll try wraps next time!

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